9. VSCode special files

9.1. Add files

  • Add the .gitignore file using the VSCode terminal. Run from within the project folder.

type nul > .gitignore
type nul > .readthedocs.yaml
  • Add the files below using the VSCode terminal. Run from within the docs folder.

type nul > requirements.txt
type nul > .gitignore
  • Add the _templates/breadcrumbs.html file using the VSCode terminal. Run from within the docs folder.

type nul > _templates/breadcrumbs.html


If using windows powershell as the terminal, adding files from the terminal can be done using the following: ni filename e.g. ni requirements.txt

9.2. docs/requirements.txt

  • If the version numbers are left off, read the docs will fetch the latest version that is compatible with the version of python it is using.

  • There is no need to include explicitly docutils, since it will be taken care of along withe the Sphinx requirement.


# useful sphinx extensions

# for interactive jupyter

9.3. docs/.readthedocs.yaml

  • Use a config file .readthedocs.yaml so that the requirements file can be used.

  • Get the file contents from the main example at: https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-file/v2.html

  • This sets some of the advanced settings for read the docs that would otherwise be accessed by Admin:Advance Settings in Read The Docs.

  • e.g the setting to Build PDF or ePub are controlled in the .yaml file.

9.4. docs/.gitignore

  • Use a docs/.gitignore file so that the build folder is ignored when pushing the docs to the github repo.

  • Set the contents of the file .gitignore:


9.5. .gitignore

  • To prevent the .vscode folder from being pushed to GitHub, use a .gitignore file in the project folder.

  • To release any .vscode files that may have been previously cached by git use in the VSCode terminal: git rm -r --cached .vscode.

  • Set the contents of the file .gitignore:


9.6. Fixing .gitignore that isn’t working

There could be several reasons why your .gitignore file is not working as expected such as Files already tracked by Git: .gitignore only ignores untracked files. If the files are already being tracked by Git, you need to remove them from the repository and add them back, this time respecting the rules in your .gitignore. You can do this with the following commands:

git rm -rf --cached .
git add .

9.8. Custom css

  • Add a folder css to the _static folder.

mkdir _static/css
  • Add a custom css file containing any css that will override the theme css.

type nul > _static/css/custom.css
  • As per Custom css; add the code below to the Options for HTML output section of conf.py file to use the custom css.

html_css_files = ['css/custom.css']

9.9. Custom logos

  • Add a logo.png file to the _static folder, with width <= 200 pixels. To save room, use a height <=50 pixels.>

  • As per Custom logo; add the code below to the Options for HTML output section of conf.py file to use the custom logo.

html_logo = '_static/logo.png'
  • Add a favicon.ico file to the _static folder, with size 32 x 32 pixels.

  • As per Custom logo; add the code below to the Options for HTML output section of conf.py file to use the custom logo.

html_favicon = "_static/favicon.ico"