2. Python

2.1. Install Python

  • Check the version of python installed from the command line.

python --version
  • Download and install Python from https://www.python.org/downloads/.

  • Check the checkbox to update the path variable when installing.

  • Manually update path if it wasn’t automatically done during installation.

  • In windows search enter “edit the system environment variables” to edit the environment variables.

  • Edit the path variable to include the path to the installed python version.

  • Restart is usually needed to update the system path.

2.2. Create a python Virtual environment

Rather than installing the python packages in the system wide installation of python, a virtual environment can be created that only has the modules needed for sphinx and read the docs.
Virtual environments allow easy maintenance of the libraries needed for the project and avoid issues that can happen when multiple dependencies conflict across multiple projects.
Create a virtual environment for the packages needed for read the docs.
By default, these will be created in the users directory: C:\Users\USERNAME\, where USERNAME is replaced by hte user.
In examples below, the virtual environment folder will be called: VENVNAME, but any suitable name can be used.
Create a virtual environment with the default system python:
python -m venv VENVNAME
If there are different versions of python installed, use the full path to the version required to create the virtual environment.
<USERNAME> used in the paths below will be different for each user.
e.g. C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\python.exe
Create a virtual environment using a specific installed version of python:
"C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\python.exe" -m venv VENVNAME
Activate the virtual environment:

2.3. Using the python Virtual environment in VSCode

VSCode allows the use of different python environments.
To use the python python Virtual environment in VSCode:
  1. Choose View: Command Palette.

  2. Into the drop down search field, type: Python : Select Interpreter

  3. Choose the one listed that refers to the newly created VENVNAME.

2.4. Update pip

To upgrage pip run:
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip

2.5. Install python packages via requirements.txt

Place a file, called requirements.txt, into the virtual environment folder.
Into the file, place the text below, containing the suggested python modules for working with sphinx.
There is no need to include the optional modules below, other than Sphinx, unless they are going to be useful.
Alternatively, install each package indiviaually as needed:
pip install Sphinx==7.2.6
pip install sphinx-copybutton==0.5.2
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme==1.3.0
pip install sphinx-togglebutton==0.3.2
pip install sphinx_design==0.5.0
Install requirements using the full path to a requirements.txt file placed in the virtual environment:
pip install -r "C:\Users\USERNAME\VENVNAME\requirements.txt"
If the terminal prompt is already in the path "C:\Users\USERNAME\" then use this:
pip install -r "VENVNAME\requirements.txt"
If the terminal prompt is already in the path "C:\Users\USERNAME\VENVNAME\" then use this:
pip install -r "requirements.txt"

2.6. Updating python packages in a requirements file

After setting up a project, there may be a need to update the packages required that are listed in the requirements.txt file.
From the command line change directory, cd to the folder with the requirements.txt file and use:
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
  • -U can be used instead of --upgrade

pip install -U -r requirements.txt
  • To check the installed version numbers and other info about a package, check the output from typing in the VSCode terminal:

pip show sphinx
pip show sphinx_rtd_theme
pip show sphinx-copybutton
pip show sphinx-togglebutton
pip show sphinx_design
pip show docutils
  • To get all the installed version numbers, check the output from typing in the VSCode terminal:

pip list
  • To see if there are updates available, check the output from typing in the VSCode terminal:

pip list -o

2.7. Save package list to requirements file

After setting up a project, there may be a need to create a new the virtual environment with a new verion of python, but with all the libraries in the the virtual environment
A requirements.txt file can be saved and used to create a new venv:
pip freeze > requirements.txt

2.8. Updating python packages

This is not recommended, but is here for reference purposes. To update all packages in a Windows environment to the latest version available in the Python Package Index (PyPI), use pip in conjunction with Windows PowerShell.
Open a command shell by typing powershell in the Search Box of the Windows Task bar.
pip freeze | %{$_.split('==')[0]} | %{pip install --upgrade $_}

2.9. Uninstalling all python packages

This is not recommended, but is here for reference purposes.
To remove all installed python packages, leaving just the built in modules, from the command line:
pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y

2.10. Update virtual Venvironment python in place

To update Python in a virtual environment, you can run this code from a terminal which has the latest version of python installed:
python -m venv --upgrade "C:\Users\USERNAME\VENVNAME"

2.11. Update virtual Venvironment by reinstalling it

To update Python in a virtual environment, you can follow these steps:
Make sure you have a requirements.txt file that lists all the packages you need.
  1. Deactivate the virtual environment if it’s currently active. You can do this by typing deactivate in your terminal and pressing Enter.

  2. Navigate ot the directory in the terminal. e.g. cd C:/Users/USERNAME/

  3. Delete the virtual environment. Be careful with this step as it will remove all the packages installed in the virtual environment. You can do this by typing Remove-Item -Path VENVNAME -Recurse in your powershell terminal and pressing Enter.

  4. Create a new virtual environment with the updated Python version. You can do this by typing python -m venv VENVNAME in your terminal and pressing Enter.

  5. Activate the new virtual environment. You can do this by typing C:UsersUSERNAMEVENVNAMEScriptsactivate.bat in your terminal and pressing Enter.

  6. Install the required packages. Place a requirements.txt file that lists all the packages you need. You can do this by typing pip install -r requirements.txt in your terminal and pressing Enter.

cd C:\Users\USERNAME
Remove-Item -Path VENVNAME -Recurse
python -m venv VENVNAME
pip install -r requirements.txt