3. Sphinx

Sphinx is a documentation generator. This means that it takes source files in plain text, and generates HTML files. In our case, it takes plain text files in reStructuredText format, and outputs HTML.

3.1. Installations

Sphinx and some useful extentions can be installed individually or via a requirements.txt file.
For installing all in one go via a requirements.txt file steps: Install python packages via requirements.txt.

3.2. Suggested Sphinx extensions

Sphinx and the following suggested extensions can be installed individaully or via the requirements.txt file.

3.3. Dependencies

As of Sept 1 2023, sphinx-rtd-theme 1.3.0 supports sphinx 7.0
pip install Sphinx==7.2.6
pip install sphinx-copybutton==0.5.2
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme==1.3.0
pip install sphinx-togglebutton==0.3.2
pip install sphinx_design==0.5.0

3.4. All pip installed versions

  • Check the installed version of sphinx, sphinx_rtd_theme and sphinx-copybutton with:

pip list

3.5. Install Sphinx

  • Press Win + X + C to open the Command prompt.

  • From the cmd prompt install the Sphinx library.

pip install sphinx==7.2.6
  • To upgrade include the -U flag.

pip install -U sphinx==7.2.6
  • Check the installed version with:

sphinx-build --version

3.6. Install the Sphinx theme for Read the Docs

  • The sphinx_rtd_theme is used by other RTD guides, so it is best to use for consistency of look and feel.

  • From the cmd prompt install the Sphinx theme for read the docs.

pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
  • To upgrade include the -U flag.

pip install -U sphinx_rtd_theme
  • To use sphinx_rtd_theme, make the changes to the conf.py file that are detailed at VSCode conf.py file.

3.7. Install the sphinx-copybutton Extension

  • The sphinx-copybutton Extension adds a copy button to code blocks.

  • From the cmd prompt install the Sphinx Extension: sphinx-copybutton:

pip install sphinx-copybutton
  • To upgrade include the -U flag:

pip install -U sphinx-copybutton
  • To use sphinx-copybutton, make the changes to the conf.py file that are detailed at VSCode conf.py file.

3.8. Install the sphinx-togglebutton Extension

  • The sphinx-togglebutton Extension adds the ability to Collapse Sphinx admonitions (notes, warnings, etc) so that their content is hidden until users click a toggle button.

  • From the cmd prompt install the Sphinx Extension: sphinx-togglebutton:

pip install sphinx-togglebutton
  • To upgrade include the -U flag:

pip install -U sphinx-togglebutton
  • To use sphinx-togglebutton, make the changes to the conf.py file that are detailed at VSCode conf.py file.

3.9. Install the sphinx_design Extension

  • The sphinx_design Extension adds drop downs and tabs:

pip install sphinx_design
  • To upgrade include the -U flag:

pip install -U sphinx_design
  • To use sphinx_design, make the changes to the conf.py file that are detailed at VSCode conf.py file.